Saturday, November 26, 2011

Don't you think winter is the most beautiful time of the year? When the first snow falls and at night all the lights are just making you feel like you're in Wonderland. Don't you feel warm when you see an old couple sitting on a bench, hugging each other. Honestly, in winter, outside.. when everything is pure and white... I can feel my heart thumping in my chest, making my hot blood run through my veins. That's a feeling that is worth living for. That's a feeling that money could not buy. And I feel happy when I go outside for a walk with my love, and I can see his breath in the air. When he holds my cold palm trying to make it warm... And I must say it really does steal a smile on my face when I see little kids playing together when their parents call them home and they just don't want to leave the game. And I can hear that honest, true laughter.. which is really rare nowadays.
Yes, don't you think winter is the most beautiful time of the year? Because I doubt there's any time of the year that can beat this.

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Don't worry, we're just indie kids

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Kingston, Jamaica
Sara, 16. Born and raised in Macedonia. Aquarius. Freddie Mercury, Eric Clapton, Sinead O'Connor, Birdy, Bukowski, Nabokov and tea ♥.